Performance Analysis and Testing

Scalability Tests

  • Results from scalability tests with up to 100,000 agents.

  • Near-linear scaling up to 10,000 agents.

  • Performance degradation at large scales and mitigations.

Resilience Testing

  • Network’s ability to maintain performance under random node failures.

  • 92% performance retention under 30% agent failure.

Code Example: Performance Testing

import random import numpy as np # Simulate node failure in the network def node_failure(network, failure_rate): failed_nodes = random.sample(network.nodes(), int(failure_rate * len(network.nodes()))) network.remove_nodes_from(failed_nodes) return network # Example: simulate 30% node failure G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.05) G_failed = node_failure(G, 0.3)

Heat Map Analysis

  • Visualization of dynamic load balancing in the network.


AGENTS: 4 Active

RAM: 81.1 GB - 98.1 GB

GPU: 65.9 % Usage


MODEL: Qwen 2.5

DATASET: QA Benchmark